Grace appears when least expected
I live in a four unit apartment building own by my congregation. There are eight Sisters here. When the shut down came last March – we declared we would be together in the building. We didn’t have a name for it but later came the term: Covid Bubble. Grace appeared!
During this time we have supported those who would need to come and go in ministry, found creative ways to celebrate, and had the great opportunities to practice patience! Grace appeared!
Each of us had to find ways to cope that fit our personalities. Two of us love doing jigsaw puzzles and have passed along hints with a puzzle the other had not done. Some play cards – win or lose – it didn’t matter. Grace appeared!
I continue seeing people for Spiritual Direction, thanks to technology. And, because of this same technology, have “attended” Mass & panel discussions, taken classes, joined events with people around the globe as well as participating in congregation events and committee meetings. Grace appeared!
There has also been the loss of loved ones and cherishing memories. Even then, Grace appeared!
Consider what has gone on in your life this past year. What sorrows and joys have you experienced? Let Grace appear and shine through all that you have encountered.
Sr. Roberta A. Popara, OP
Westchester IL