Truth and Reconciliation

 You may be familiar with the Truth and Reconciliation processes widely used in Africa in an effort to change the effects of genocide, inter-tribal war, and apartheid. About 20 years ago, Canada engaged in a Truth and Reconciliation process with indigenous people across Canada. The effects are still unfolding.

The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (of which the Sisters of the Divine Savior are members) is offering a three part video series in an effort to move forward a truth and reconciliation effort in the US. 

Here is a series of videos which address one aspect of the early colonists and then the US government’s efforts to destroy the indigenous tribes across the United Space. They are worth watching.

Here’s their blurb:

Truth in History Webinar Series 2020

Earlier this year, with the generous support of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) presented a three-part webinar series titled Truth in History: Examining Indian Boarding Schools in California, which explores the ongoing legacy of the U.S. Indian Boarding School era with a focus on California schools.

If you were not able to join us for the live sessions, we invite you to watch the re-broadcast on our YouTube channel here. We also encourage you to subscribe to NABS’s YouTube page for first alerts when future content is posted, and to share these educational opportunities and video resources with all those in your networks.

The first steps toward healing are knowing and telling the truth. Please join us in this Truth and Healing Movement.

Why not give it a try? Here’s the link to click: Link

This video series is the first three videos in the list.