Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day! This annual feast seems to hold a lot of meaning for many people. For some it is a joyful reminder that they are loved by someone special. For others it is a sad realization that they are alone in this world. It reminds me of the little game we play picking off the petals of a daisy one by one: “s/he loves me…s/he loves me not…” Let’s face it: we all want to be loved by someone special and most of us need to be reassured about that from time to time. The fact is, that we are loved and we don’t need to play games to find that out. One of my favorite verses in Scripture is from Jeremiah: “I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have called you and you are mine.” (Jer 31:3) Let us each take some time on Valentine’s Day to reflect on that promise and to hold those tender words close to our hearts.
Mary Ellen Green, OP
Woodruff, WI