
Stand Where You are Supposed To Be Standing

It has been a slow spring: our last large snowfall here in Racine Wisconsin occurring on April 16.  Now that spring has sprung, it is a time of renewed activity amongst all living creatures: from the birds to the squirrels to the bees. So too amongst the plants and trees: from the flowers springing up, tulips and daffodils and grape hyacinths, to the sprouting of seeds and the bursting buds on trees.

For humans it is high season of activity. Here at the Eco-Justice Center we have had eight large volunteer groups from universities to high schools to businesses sponsoring days of service. These volunteers have helped spruce up our gardens and woods, clearing brush out of the creek and building new garden beds for planting. As there are more hours of daylight now, I find myself having renewed energy to do the work needing to be done. However, after working a 60 hour week, my body and soul remind me that I need to stop and renew.

I am so grateful for the chance to do so by going to Los Angeles for the 40s retreat.  It will give me time to step back and take stock of where I am in ministry and religious life. Part of the theme is: carrying our charisms into the future. Younger women religious are continuously called to look at where we are going and yet we realize we can only take one step at a time and we do not have a road map

We recognize the importance of staying grounded in our past and where we are in this moment in time. Ronald Rolheiser in his book, “Sacred Fire,” writes of the importance of staying in the moment and being grateful for where we are and what we have:
“Stand where you are supposed to be standing and let God provide the rest” (pg. 273). My prayer is that I do the best I can with the gifts and resources I am given to bring health and healing to all living beings through Christ’s love. Amen.

Sister Rejane was also recently featured in The Jesuit Post.  Read her interview here!