Giving Voice Planning Process Invitations
September 2015
Dear Sisters,
We are very excited to share with you an opportunity to participate in the planning process with Plante Moran who will accompany us as consultants as we look to and create the future of Giving Voice and the Communications’ methods and tools needed as Giving Voice moves into the future. The goal of conversations is to gather the wisdom, insights, hopes, dreams, ideas and suggestions from a representative group of GV membership. This data will be summarized and shared with the GV membership in order to articulate a vision for GV as it moves into the future and to develop a communications’ plan that will ensure this vision and goals.
We invite you to consider participating in the Discernment and Communications components of the planning process facilitated by Mary Clare Gumbleton and Carol Zinn, SSJ. The plan is for you to engage in a 60-75 minute conference call in a small group of 4-6. The conference calls will take place during October, November and December 2015. The content of the conference calls will be a set of Discernment questions and Communications questions that are posted on the GV Facebook page and website. These are the same questions used at the 2015 National Conference in August.
The conference calls will be in Spanish and English and there will be multiple dates/times available for the conference calls.
The organizational plan for this part of the planning process is:
1. Response of individual GV members who wish to participate in the conference calls to Giving Voice BY October 1, 2015. Register to participate:
2. Doodle with dates/times for conference calls sent to individual GV members who choose to participate BY October 5, 2015.
3. Response to Doodle BY October 15, 2015.
4. Confirmation and publication of conference call schedule BY October 20, 2015.
5. Conference calls begin October 25 and continue through December 15, 2015.
Thank you for your prayerful support and active participation in this planning process. We look forward to a future filled with hope!
GV Core Team
Plante Moran Consultants