Sister Adriana Calzada, CCVI
Sister Calzada is a member of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word (San Antonio). Originally from Mexico City, she enjoys spending time with her two sisters and three nieces. This year her parents celebrated 40 years of marriage and she comments how this example is one of "how love endures and transforms." She's lived in the U.S. now for a year and enjoys meeting and talking to people, reading, listening to music, and taking walks along Lake Michigan in Chicago where she studies at Catholic Theological Union.
For Sister Calzada, mission trips to extremely poor areas are what awoken her to an intimate relationship with God, God's people, and the desire to serve as a woman religious. While religious life continues to evolve, she's "excited about the next phase of how we are called to serve in the world." Sister Calzada notes that we need to "Learn to let go of what we don't need and open ourselves up to greater love in all its manifestations."
Giving Voice has played an instrumental role in her life and service as a Catholic sister. The opportunity to develop meaningful relationships, connect with those who are different from her, and network and collaborate with those of diverse backgrounds has been key to understanding herself better and gaining important insights and perspectives. She also notes that "a community that laughs together is able to dream big." Today, Giving Voice continues to dream big!
Sister Calzada is especially inspired by women who have faced oppression but possess the resiliency to overcome difficult situations. She believes their journeys have empowered others. When it comes to building up God's Kingdom and the common good, Sister Calzada believes that "acting out of an inner sense of freedom grounded in God is how we can make the best decisions for our world and the common good." Groundedness in God, spirituality, contemplation, and prayer inform her journey forward.
Sister Calzada loves the TV show Friends, doing Zumba, opportunities to enjoy Mexican food and pizza, and meeting new people. Doing things that "nurture the soul" are important!