Eucharistic Congress 2024

Giving Voice Sisters were among the 50,000 pilgrims in attendance at the first national Eucharistic Congress in more than 80 years. Here’s how they share this experience:

“I went to the Eucharistic Congress seeking to connect with the universal Church, the Mother Church that all Catholics are members of. I definitely experienced that– we were one big church there. There were many sisters, brothers, and priests there, and it was a blessing to be there together, especially in the Eucharistic procession. Many of them had booths in the Exhibition Hall and it was a blessing to visit them there, too.”

Grace Marie Del Priore, CSSF
Read more from Sr. Grace in Global Sisters Report.

Giving Voice Sisters pictured here (L to R):
Jennifer Hager (CHM), Clare Emeruom, HVM, Shingai Chigwedere (OP), Grace Marie Del Priore, CSSF

“Even though I have attended Eucharistic Congresses in my home country, I was not sure of what to expect from this National Eucharistic Congress which was the first held in 83 years. It was such a wonderful event, well planned and organized. As one of the participants in this epoch event, I was very impressed by how everything was well executed. God bless all those involved in putting this event together. From the topmost part of the Lucas Oil Stadium, I united with about 60,000 People of God praising , worshiping and adoring Jesus in the Eucharist. It was an uplifting experience. It was awesome participating in the liturgies, adoration/benediction, the impact sessions with wonderful speakers, the praise/worship music, the breakout sessions, the exhibitions ,etc. Everything was so good, impactful and inspiring – an experience I will not forget in a hurry. I pray that the fruits of the National Eucharistic Congress will remain with the Church in the United States of America and bring about continual renewal and transformation of hearts.”

Sr Clare Emeruom, HVM

“I was most moved by the Eucharistic procession- the Sisters I was with and I decided to line the streets with everyone else instead of being up front with all the other religious. To me this was a touching experience as we all waited for almost an hour for Our Lord to pass by, and when we finally saw the canopy over the monstrance, the excitement was tangible! This particular moment spoke to me of the solidarity and union that our reception of the Eucharist calls us to- to be content to watch and wait together, and to enter into loving conversations and relationships as we await the coming of the Lord.”

Josephine Lomasney, DC

Sr. Josephine (far right) pictured here with her sisters during the Eucharistic Procession.