Gathering of sisters in Phoenix
Earlier this month, 14 Giving Voice sisters gathered at Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Phoenix, AZ for our annual retreat. The sisters, all in their 20s and 30s, represented 11 different congregations.
“As I begin my 40th year of life, this marks a transition in my journey with Giving Voice. This was my last 20s and 30s retreat! Now, not to be melodramatic, I must say there is a 40s retreat and I will be looking forward to that next year! However, I have been going to the 20’s and 30s retreat retreat off and on since 2012. I have come to know the Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery well, and the 23 images of Our Lady adorning the chapel there. I love the fresh lemons from their own trees, and the field where we play kickball and volleyball. I have loved getting to know my peers from other communities, the rich conversations and the laughter we have shared. But most of all I have loved the time for prayer and reflection with sisters in my peer group and the depth and friendship I have found in those moments of seeking God together.”
– Sr. Mandy Carrier, RSM
20s & 30s Retreat 2025 by Giving Voice