On Labor Day I labored to create more useful spaces in my bedroom.  The box containing books “saved to read” had been covered with a colorful afghan and many items  “To read some time” were stacked on top. Now the box is gone and “the books to read”  face me with their inviting titles visible. I found out the day after Labor Day is called “National read a book day” What a great coincidence!  

I am reminded that an essential element of Dominican life is STUDY.

I pledge to create a sustainable study time in my day, my week, my life.

Now I am studying methods of forgiveness proposed by Robert Enright. In addition, I am reading No Future without Forgiveness by Desmond Tutu.  Even my fun book (light reading before bed) is All the Forgivenesses, a novel by Elizabeth Hardinger.  All this study is helping to prepare some input time for the religious leader caucus of MOSES (Madison Organizing in Strength, Equity and Solidarity), which I help chair.

How blessed I am.  I have wonderful resources and the support of my Dominican family to STUDY, pray, be community and do ministry.

How might these four Dominican essentials fit into how God is calling you?

Joan Duerst, OP

Madison, WI