Annual Hawaiian Luau was a fun time in Saint Joseph Villa

It’s become an annual tradition to have a Hawaiian Luau in Saint Joseph Villa. Several Ursuline Sisters put colorful leis around their necks and joined in the fun on the afternoon of Aug. 19, 2021. They enjoyed fresh fruit, listened to music, and heard Activities Director Debbie Dugger read interesting facts about Hawaii. (For instance, if you are born in Hawaii, you aren’t considered a native unless your parents or other ancestors were born there.)
Three Ursuline Sisters talked about their trips to Hawaii: Sister Sara Marie Gomez, Sister Francis Louse Johnson, and Sister Rebecca White. Sister Rebecca told attendees about how she walked near lava which smelled like sulfur, and she also heard beautiful bird songs in a bird garden. At the end of the event, the number of door prizes matched the number of participants, so no one left the party empty handed.