Can’t Pass Up Spring!

Finally! Spring is springing 

… from branches and from the earth, decorating the Hills with that bright green that contrasts beautifully with the patches of snow still hiding in the coulees and in the shady parts of hills.

Yesterday afternoon, my friend Claudia drove north from Brookings to meet at Hartford Beach State Park, on Big Stone Lake. We each brought a part of a delicious picnic. We sat (6 feet apart) and chatted for a good couple of hours.

I love using technology for staying in touch with people during this long time of isolation because of COVID. But really- sitting with someone and engaging in a “good ol’ conversation” unmediated by electronics is profoundly different and much more fulfilling… particularly when we are surrounded by a forest bursting into spring.
So many of us remain #safe-at-home in these days of our world’s experience with COVID. I hope each of us takes a few moments to find a small space of spring. To me, it is a wonderful reminder that Maka Ina, Mother Earth, offers Life even in a time of struggle.