Coming soon! Sparrow: A Book of Life and Death and Life

Sparrow-book jacket

Beloved friends, I am torn between wanting to whisper this to you and wanting to shout it from the rooftops. I have a new book! It’s called Sparrow, and it is a story of making a life in the wake of Gary’s death. I feel wildly tender about this one. It is my most personal book—hence the impulse to want to whisper the news, to be quiet about it, because in many ways it is different than anything I have written before, and this is not entirely comfortable.

Sparrow tells so much of what my heart has held since Gary’s death: the aching absence, the stubborn hope, the strange graces that come in deepest loss. It tells of unexpected solace and shelter. And it tells of a conversation that has not entirely ended but continues to inspire the life I am making now.

Sparrow will be released on July 14, into a world very different than I could have imagined. In the intense chaos and grief that have come to us in these months, I am holding on to what I came to know in my bones as I wrote this book: that, ultimately, love is more fierce than grief. And that is something I need to say in these days. Maybe even shout it from the rooftops.

I would love to put this book into your hands. For info and to pre-order Sparrow in hardcover or as an eBook, visit

As these days unfold, I am sending so many blessings for you, with deep gratitude.

P.S. I’m regularly posting at my author page on Facebook (@janrichardsonauthor) and on Instagram (@janrichardsonstudio) and would love to connect with you there!