Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life

Each year on February 2, the Church sets aside the day to pray and give thanks for those of us called to Consecrated Life. This year the celebration of this will take place at weekend Masses, February 5-6. We ask that you take some time between February 2-6 to give thanks for your call and to reflect upon the meaning of that call and your response in today’s world. We offer the prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life and some reflection questions to aid you in your reflection should you find this helpful.

Loving God, you abundantly grace us.
We thank you for the gift of our lives and your daily call to love and serve the Dear Neighbor in all ways of which we are able.
We give thanks for the many men and women who have responded to your Call to live their Baptismal commitment as consecrated religious.
Enflame the hearts of more people to respond with a generous YES!
We ask this through the name of Jesus through the power of
your Spirit. Amen.

Reflection questions

Share your thoughts in a comment below.

  • How has your call and response to consecrated life given meaning to your life?
  • What words would you use to share your reflection with a woman who might be interested in discerning religious life?
  • What ways are present to you to share the meaning of your life and invite another to discern how God might be calling her?

God is calling others. We continue to pray for their generous response to God’s call.