Dominicans Are Easter People

We see Resurrection in our movement from outside to inside, opening up the opportunity to deepen our relationship with the Risen Christ.
We see Resurrection out the window and on our daily walks or bike rides as we witness spring happening everywhere, even with some Easter snow.
We see Resurrection in the indomitable courage and strength of the hospital workers and first responders who are bringing healing and hope. We see Resurrection in the community spirit that fills balconies and porches every night to applaud these heroes and heroines of goodness.
We see Resurrection in the naming of long-term disparities and the sin of racism behind them, which this global crisis is making evident.
I have personally seen Resurrection in the resolve and determination of our students to forge ahead, despite it all.
And, I especially hear and see Resurrection in the connections being made among my sisters. The joining in Sunday Liturgy, being livestreamed from our Motherhouse. Phone calls, snail mail, texts, emails, and Zoom meetings are happening among us.
Dominicans are Easter people who witness to God’s providence. You cannot quarantine that!!!
And, you? Where do you see Resurrection?
Peggy Ryan, OP
River Forest, IL