Focus on the Goal


This Sunday, the readings speak of the generosity of God and of God’s amazing closeness to and involvement in His creation. Paul urges us to live our lives in keeping with this Divine involvement. The Gospel forcefully reminds us that God grants His generosity to whomever He wills and that such an act on His part is not an injustice to others since no one can earn or really deserve any favor from God. All such favors are free gifts of God.

Have you ever watched a race where there us a runner who is in the lead and almost certain to win?  All of a sudden the runner looks back to see if anyone is close to catching up.  Without warning there is a runner suddenly gaining on him and ultimately passes him to win the race.  Do you ever wonder if the first runner lost the race because they looked back?  We could say that they lost due to taking the time to adjust their mind’s focus on scanning what’s behind them and then readjust in looking forward. Yet in reality they lost when they decided to take their eyes off of their goal to look at someone else’s lane.

A similar situation occurred with the workers of today’s gospel. Some of them became upset because the other workers labored for less hours and endured less sun than they did. What would have happened if they had not learned about the other workers’ wages? Would they have also been upset? They may have been content with the agreed wage. Why do we compare our lives and our blessings to others? When we do, we may find ourselves glad and thankful with some parts of our lives, but in others, envious and resentful, and maybe even resentful of God.  

We are called to accept God’s will, to be thankful for the way God provides, to trust that He is all knowing and all good, and therefore knows what’s best for each one of us.   This is where the challenge comes in as we try and live this way each day.  Yet we are not alone, our God is always there for us and with us.  May we always remember to pray for others and ourselves, to think well of others and wish them only happiness and peace and above all be patient with one another during these turbulent times.