In Middle English lente is springtime, or Lent, from Old English lencten
So now whether we are celebrating Lent, the time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving or Spring the time of green shoots, pussy willow buds and robins, today is our day with its glorious diversity. It makes me think of change. The daily paper wrote, “Turn over a new leaf” What do I want to do differently this year? How can I be more supportive to the people in my life? How do I respect earth? How can I be a stronger part of movements that call for making our systems more human? How can I turn a business call into a moment in which I acknowledge another human being?
I celebrate that I get to be in a multicultural community. The Sinsinawa Dominicans have roots from African countries, from Trinidad and Tobago, from Spanish-speaking countries in Central and South America, from First Nations from Asian countries, the Pacific Islands, and from many European countries. Diversity is Dominican. We come from and are sent to the diverse world with the message of Jesus rising to new life.
Celebrate new life! Celebrate Spring! Easter is here and is coming! Alleluia!
Joan Duerst, OP
Madison, WI