Reflective Moments with Angela April 2022
By Sister Marietta Wethington
The month of April this year includes Christianity’s greatest feast: Easter. On Easter we celebrate our entrance into the Christian community, our new life in Christ and the liberation of our sins.
On that first Easter morning some women from the community went to the grave to anoint the body of Jesus for burial since they had not had the opportunity on Friday. As they went they wondered who would roll the stone away. Much to their surprise, when they arrived they found the stone had been rolled away and the tomb was empty. A young man was standing by the tomb. They thought he was the gardener, so they asked what he had done with the body of Jesus.
These two incidents cause me to muse:
When have I had to have the stone blocking my way to Jesus rolled away? What are those stones?
- Criticism?
- Greed?
- Addiction?
- Selfishness?
Each one must answer this for oneself.
Who has helped me remove these stones?
- A good spiritual director?
- An honest friend?
- A spiritual writer who made the right statement or asked the right question in his/her book?
Easter is such a powerful feast that it cannot be celebrated in one day. It lasts for 50 days. All the way until Pentecost. May we each open our heart and allow the Spirit of Easter to fill us with new life in Jesus.
Go with Angela to the feet of Jesus. Reflect on the above questions. You may wish to journal your answers or illustrate them with art.