Reflective Moments February 2021
The Prophet Joel, in the first reading for Ash Wednesday, calls us to return to God with our whole heart. Pope Francis asks why must we return to God? He answers that by telling us something is not right in us, in society, in the Church. He calls us to change.
The word, Lent, means “spring.” Spring always brings us change and new growth. What is the change I want to see in my life? I want to grow in holiness, in awareness of self and of those around me. I want to grow in honesty as I stand before God. I want my prayer to grow deeper. I want to become more reflective and to ask myself the hard questions, for example, do I spend so much time caring for myself that I forget to care for those around me?
As Saint Angela told us, “For, as our Savior says, the good tree, that is, the heart and spirit imbued with charity, can do nothing but good and holy works.”
Again, I refer to Joel who calls us to return to God with our whole heart.