Sister Rose Jean Powers celebrates 60 years as an Ursuline Sister

Another in the long line of legendary Brescia University Sisters is celebrating an anniversary of religious profession this year, Sister Rose Jean Powers.

Sister Rose Jean, a native of Cloverport, Ky., is celebrating 60 years as an Ursuline Sister. Sister Rose Jean is known for her willingness to help and listen to those in need, a role she filled for many years at Brescia College/University in Owensboro, Ky. She earned a history degree from Brescia in 1966 and a master’s degree in history from Marquette University in 1969.

After teaching for a year at St. Mary Elementary School in Nebraska City, Neb. (1966-67), Sister Rose Jean ministered for 43 years at Brescia. She was a history instructor (1968-84 and 1989-92), supervised the residence halls (1971-84), was campus minister (1989-97), director of residential life (1993-2008), chapel sacristan (1992-2016), and assistant in the Brescia Bookstore (2008-16).

She served at the Motherhouse as local superior (1984-89), director of local community life (2016-18), and since 2018, chapel sacristan, information receptionist and as a member of the Liturgy committee. Since 2019 she has also served as the Gift Shop manager.

Congratulations Sister Rose Jean!

Friends can write to her at 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356.