Star of the Nativity

As we prepare for Christmas, I came across this poem in my prayer and wanted to share it with others.  Sr. Jeannie

Star of the Nativity


In the cold season, in a locality accustomed to heat more than to cold, to horizontality more than to a mountain, a child was born in a cave in order to save the world; it blew as only in deserts in winter it blows, athwart.


To Him, all things seemed enormous: His mother’s breast, the steam out of the ox’s nostrils, Caspar, Balthazar, Melchior—the team of Magi, their presents heaped by the door, ajar.  He was but a dot, and a dot was the star.


Keenly, without blinking, through pallid, stray clouds, upon the child in the manger, from far away—from the depth of the universe, from its opposite end—the star

was looking into the cave. And that was the Father’s stare.


                                                                                                      December 1987


The poem caused me to remember that the child coming very soon had the love of parents as he entered the world.  Love is a very powerful feeling and something we all need. Let us remember Jesus’ words -Love one another as I have loved you.  Love is what we must work to bring the word this Advent and Christmas season.