In these tentative times

In these tentative times when it seems as if
all our world is 
waiting, wounded, or worried,
it can be easy to forget-
this is a time of Resurrection.

Rebirth, renewal, the melting of Winter and perhaps also
the melting of icy hearts

Those happen, even when
unnoticed or un-celebrated
as we compare numbers on the nightly news,
hesitantly venture out in public,
thank those who serve,
or mourn those who have already moved on.

This is, 
again and still,
our Easter
and we, safer@home,
are the People of Easter
in every sort of way.

We must allow Resurrection.
We must name it
claim it
welcome its transformation
embrace its promise
accept its invitations.
Yes. Yes.
The Sacred 
is in our midst.


who delivers, 
who rescues,
No longer on a cross.
With stone rolled back,
waits for us to recognize Him
right there, right here, right now.