Third Tuesday of
Third Tuesday of Lent
In today’s responsorial psalm, (Psalm 31) our response is Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.
Quite honestly, I find that a big order. It requires me to have to stop having my own personal control and to trust in God as my savior. I can’t just do things on my own. Rather I need to ask God for help and trust in God’s loving kindness to assist me. It is about God too, not just me!
In the verses there is mention of God bring a rock of refuge, a fortress, a stronghold, and God shining his/her face and providing shelter to his/her servant. All these talk of the strength of God’s care and goodness to us. How comforting!
My spirit which must be presented to God, our Lord consists of my emotions and my character. It is my soul-it is the true part of me not just the physical piece. It consists of my deepest desires and wishes.
I say those are to be and do what God wants of me-but that requires me to have courage, trust and to be vulnerable. I am not always great at that, but I have to keep trying at least!!
St. Angela Merici, Founder of the Ursuline Sisters says – You need not be anxious if you try your best. I must take those words in consideration and always try my best to trust in God. Trust isn’t easy for me but it is necessary for me to live a good life.
God hasn’t really let me down beforehand so I must keep building up my relationship with God and stop trying to control things-I must let God take the wheel! We all need to keep remembering that and working our best to let it happen.
Good Luck, my friends!