Thoughts and Action
Prompt our actions with your inspiration, we pray, O Lord, and further them with your constant help, that all we do may always begin from you and by you be brought to completion.
The above words come from the collect for today’s liturgy on this Thursday after Ash Wednesday. As we begin this Lenten journey, there is so much in need of constant help.
The wars raging in Ukraine and so many other parts of the human family.
The cries of Earth as temperatures rise and our planet’s ecosystem struggles to keep up with harm caused by human activity.
The cries of people who are living in poverty or otherwise on the margins, wondering how they will provide just the basic necessities for their loved ones.
The divisions between and among us that deny human dignity and prevent us from treating each other as the beloved of God we are.
This is the context as we begin Lent. And we are called to begin the Lenten journey in our own hearts.

Purify my heart!
May every word, every thought!
Every motive, every intention!
Be pleasing in your sight O God!
Be pleasing in your sight O God!
This song by Jess Ray, based on Psalm 119, rings true of my heart’s desire for this Lenten journey.
May my heart, my every, word, every thought, every motive be pleasing to God. A high order, but all things are possible with, through, and for God.
In our CSJP Constitutions we say that prayer leads to action, while action leads us to pray. As we hold the many needs of our world crying out for help, may our heartfelt prayer lead us to actions for peace through justice.