
I have no idea what I’m doing

I joked with my community that I had no idea what I was doing forty hours a week. After a chance encounter with my future nun-boss, I was hired as a court appointed guardian. I had graduated with a broadcasting degree just two years prior so naturally it felt like I didn't know what I was doing. Instead of speaking in front of a microphone, it was my job to speak up for adults with various types of mental illnesses.

However, I quickly realized how freeing it was to not know what I was doing. Everything was new and my eyes were fresh. The mission to advocate for those who had no one was bigger than myself. There were no preconceived notions and no 'I have always done it that way'.  I listened, asked a lot of questions and learned to be truly present. (Google also came in handy.) By the grace of God I immediately loved my coworkers, my clients, and my ministry. For the past two years, I have rarely dreaded going into work.

In this season of Advent, I can't help but think Mary was in a similar situation. Stepping into the new, Mary questioned and listened intently. She may have been scared.  She had been asked to do something bigger than herself, but she said yes. I am sure once Jesus came into the world she fell in love with him and she never looked back. Mary reminds me each year at this time to always step into the new with a curious spirit and courageous heart.