Giving Voice Core Team Transitions
Last year we welcomed four new members onto the Giving Voice core team: Susan Francois, CSJP; Jeannie Humphries, OSU; Leslie Keener, CDP; and Sarah Kohles, OSF. In December, six of the core team members gathered for a weekend in St. Louis to articulate our hopes and dreams for Giving Voice and to facilitate the transition as Giving Voice moves into the future. In 2011 we also said good-bye to two members who have been part of our core team for many years: Maria Cimperman and Lisa Buscher, RSCJ. We are grateful for the passion and vision Maria and Lisa brought to the core team and for their many gifts they so generously shared. In 2012 Mary Stanco, HM and I will also be leaving the core team. The four of us who have been part of the core team for many years are filled with gratitude for and confidence in the four new members of the core team and look forward to the creative and Spirit-led ways they will shape Giving Voice!