Amplify Your Voice With this Survey!
Ted Dunn, clinical psychologist is interested in hearing from those members of the Giving Network under 50 about their experience and reflections on one's own community's efforts to transform, bring forth new life and shape the future of religious life. The Core Team believes this survey fits well with our GV mission. Ted's research and writing is read widely and this survey will inform larger conversations about the transformation of religious life.
If you are a Sister in your 20s, 30s, and 40s, please consider taking the time to complete the survey. If you are in formation/leadership, please encourage your Sisters as well. Also, please note the survey does require some demographic information for your community. The deadline has been extended to December 31, 2014.
A Diversity of Voices Needed: We also recognize that the survey is quite lengthy and may pose a difficulty for Sisters who speak English as their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th language. We suggest that Sisters for whom this is an issue consider asking someone in their community to assist them. For example, perhaps another Sister could type the answers to facilitate the process.
You can download the survey from the July 2014 email or Giving Voice Facebook group. You may also email the Core Team at to request an electronic copy.