Together, Sisters Can Make a Difference
During the October 7-10 Convergence At The Border program sponsored by the School of America's Watch, Giving Voice sisters, associates, and supporters participated in prayerful and peaceful witnesses that called for an end to violence, supported immigration reform, and lifted up the human dignity of all God's people. The Giving Voice sponsored "Encuentro" brought advocates together for connection, dialogue and action planning.
Sister Tracy Kemme commented:
"Women religious & associates gathered for the 'Encuentro de Hermanas' at the Kino Border Initiative in Nogales, Mexico. The space where we gathered is a soup kitchen for migrants, often those who have been deported or those in the midst of their grueling journey to the U.S. We shared what is in our hearts & discerned how we as women religious can continue to help in the struggle for comprehensive immigration reform. One thing is for sure – Sisters together can make a difference!"
Click here for article from Global Sisters Report on witness
Click here for Sister Belinda's reflection on her experience
Click here for Sister Julia's reflection on going to the border
Click here for Sister Emily's reflecton from witness
Click here for the article Enough! A Report Back from the Border Vigil
Click here for article The World We Want: An Activist Dispatch from the SOA Watch Convergence
Click here for official event photos from photographer Steve Pavey
Giving Voice is extremely grateful to the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation for its support of this initiative.