Practicing Resurrection
The shadows of this world will say, there’s no hope – why try anyway?
Every kindness large or slight, shifts the balance towards the light.
Keep practicing resurrection. Lean in towards the light.
I am inspired by these soulful words from singer Carrie Newcomer! Like many others, I suspect you have spent these 40 days of Lent grappling not just with what to do in response to the urgent needs of today but also how to be in the light of these times. I’ve come to see that we, as Christians, are being called to re-ground in our core values and identity as Easter people. As we do, we examine how we actively live that out in the world.
As Easter approaches, the words “keep practicing Resurrection” grabbed my attention. What does it mean to practice resurrection?
Resurrection is about transformation. It’s about being Christ in the world today, being Light in places of darkness, being Love where there is hate, being Hope where there is fear. You no doubt already embody and practice this in many ways. Are we being called to MORE?
The lyrics of the song suggest we may need to lean more toward the Light in our thoughts, attitudes, and actions:
Carry nothing but what you must. Lean in toward the light.
Let it go shake off the dust. Lean in toward the light.
Don’t just walk when you can fly. Lean in toward the light.
When justice seems in short supply. Lean in toward the light.
Let beauty be your truest guide. Lean in toward the light.
When forgiveness is hard to find. Lean in toward the light.
Help me at least to be kind. Lean in toward the light.
One way Giving Voice is practicing resurrection this spring is by providing space to explore some of the deep questions of our time. Giving Voice sisters are invited to participate in a series of PeerSpirit Dialogue Circles leading up to our July Giving Voice National Gathering. Sisters across the country will connect via Zoom, an online collaboration platform, to pray, contemplate, and converse with one another about the following themes and questions:
- April: Healing Divisions: Contemplation and Action… How do we engage in this in our communities and in the wider world? How do we achieve this inner balance?
- May: Building Bridges With Others… How do we build bridges with groups so often seen as “other,” particularly immigrants and refugees and across religious life?
- June: Poised to Lead… How can Giving Voice sisters embody effective and prophetic leadership individually, in our communities, and out in the world?
In times when division and polarity fill the air, practicing resurrection is a call to community. Together, we can do and be more. Religious life has gifts and wisdom to offer the world. No one person or one community has all the answers. I believe God gifted communities with different charisms for a reason. Together our charisms complement one another. Giving Voice is a space where I have experienced the new life, energy, and transformation that results from our concert of charisms coming together.
In what ways will we lean in toward the light? How will we practice resurrection together?
By Sister Jessi Beck, PBVM