
New Committees Inspire Growth

This Summer, Giving Voice inaugurated two new peer-led committees, the Communications Working Group and the Leadership Initiatives Scholarship Committee. Involving nearly a dozen sisters in a circle-process-led collaboration, each committee seeks to expand the reach of Giving Voice through communications initiatives and mission-driven ministry.  

Would you like to become more involved in Giving Voice?  
Fundraising Sisters, Giving Voice Needs your Experience! 

Do you have Development or Fundraising experience?  Would you be able to commit a few hours each month to the creation of a new Giving Voice committee focused on fundraising and increasing Giving Voice's financial security? 

As Giving Voice grows and transitions, our need to create a more self-sustainable non-profit increases.  We plan to expand our reach this fall to new prospective donors and need members who have experience in fundraising to help lead the way!

Send our Communications Coordinator Sophie a note at or write to any of the Core Team Members here if you are interested in helping us spearhead a Development Committee.