How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the Good News!
Advent Prayer—Week 1, November 30, 2020
This reflection was shared during our Praying With The Sisters prayer which was live-streamed on Facebook. A Nun’s Life was joined by guest Sister Dusty Farnan, OP. She is a member of the Adrian Dominican Sisters and currently serves on the Dominican Leadership Conference as Delegate for the UN.
(The video recording of our prayer can be found below the blog.)
As we gather on this first Monday in Advent time and the Feast of St. Andrew, Apostle,I would like to offer a short reflection on this beautiful passage for tonight.
The readings are filled with lots of images that speak to us about Advent time. As a Dominican, I chose to reflect briefly on the Epistle. I love this sentence from Paul to the Romans, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!” But really the letter is written from Paul to you and me this evening!
In this season of Advent let us deepen our call to become preachers of the gospel, the good news, depending on what our profession is as social workers, nurses, educators, justice advocates, essential workers, prison chaplains and caregivers—just to mention a few of the ways where we are. We are all needed and called to care for one another.
Image how you are a preacher bringing Good News to others. Image how you use your feet to deliver that liberating power of the Gospel. Where have your feet taken you today and what message did you share with others?
The Gospel of Luke, chapter 2 vs. 1-20, would be an excellent scripture to read during this season of Advent. My friend Sr. Janet Schaeffler, OP suggests that we read a different sentence each day and then write on a little piece of paper something you’ve done where you’ve brought good news to another person. She suggests that you put a shoe next to your bed, and take this slip of paper, and put it in your shoe after you write down your experience and how you preached the word that day.
At the time of Christmas, you’ll have 26 little pieces of paper that have reminded you of how you were a Gospel preacher and how beautiful your feet were to bring that good news to someone else. Do you recognize just how easy it is to share the gospel with another through a good deed? And if you’re considering becoming a sister in this Advent time, is there a charism that is drawing you that you are mindful of?
Re-read your slips of paper and share your preaching with someone in your family or a friend during the Christmas season. Remember: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news?” Your voice has gone out to many places and your words to those you met each day. If there is no one to tell another about Jesus they can’t believe. How will they believe if there is no one to preach?
YOU are the preacher!
Peace be with you.