This week, as we celebrate All Saints and All Souls Days (Nov. 1/Nov. 2), I am mindful of the vocational call God asks of each of us. All Saints Day is a day to remind us how we’re supposed to live – as patient, kind, virtuous people. All Souls’ Day calls us to pray for those who have gone before us and to remember their life here on Earth. Both days call us to connection while at the same time calling us to some letting go.
In the last 10 days, we’ve said goodbye to several beloved sisters at the assisted living facility where I minister. We’ve said goodbye to many others at our congregation’s skilled care facility. We celebrate them as we remember their lives among us. Our vocational call – no matter what path we find ourselves on in life – is essentially the same. We are here to be present to each other, and – in the words of Ram Dass – to walk each other home.
Kathy Flynn OP
Madison, WI