Bishop Medley anoints Sisters and shares the hope of Advent
The Most Rev. William Medley, bishop of the Diocese of Owensboro, came to Maple Mount on Nov. 22, 2021, to anoint the Sisters and then to speak about the coming of Advent.
“Advent reminds us we get to start over,” Bishop Medley said. “We get a second chance.” Advent begins on Nov. 28, the first weekend of the new Church year.
Bishop Medley just returned from a gathering of American bishops in Baltimore, and talked much about the Synod of Synodality, a two-year process of listening and dialogue that is beginning within the Church. Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the papal nuncio to the United States, gave the opening address at the conference.
“He used the word ‘listen’ 55 times in a 20-minute talk,” Bishop Medley said.
Listening sessions will be set up across the diocese in 2022, and it will be important to include those people who don’t feel heard, Bishop Medley said. One way to approach these listening sessions is to ask yourself, “If I had five minutes with Pope Francis, what would I say to him?”
Here are some pictures from the day.