Reflective Moments April 2021
By Sister Marietta Wethington
In the Gospel for Easter, Mary Magdalene and the other women went to the tomb of Jesus early in the morning to anoint his body since they were unable to do so on Good Friday. On their way they wondered how they would roll away the heavy stone. When they arrived, they found that the stone had been rolled away. We might ask ourselves:
What are the stones that need to be rolled away from my heart that I may more clearly see the Risen Jesus?
What prevents me from recognizing Jesus’ presence and action in my daily life? The Gospel also tells us that the women ran back to tell the other apostles and disciples that they had seen the Risen Lord.
When have I shared the good news of Jesus being alive in our world today? What parts of my world need to hear the good news of resurrection?
Pope Francis tells us at Easter, we leave ourselves behind and encounter others by “being close to those crushed by life’s troubles, sharing with the needy, standing at the side of the sick, the elderly and the outcast.”
Have I stood by any one of those groups during this Easter season? What was the learning in that for me?
What is the most meaningful experience I had during the Lenten and Easter season of 2021?