Starting Anew

“God is the newest thing there is, the youngest thing there is. God is the beginning and if we are united to God we become new again.”  (Meister Eckhart)

It has been another tough year!  Disparities in healthcare continue as we struggle still with a worldwide pandemic.  Our political scene shows no sign of rendering collaboration with justice anytime soon.  Voting rights, women’s rights, immigration, the death penalty, services for the homeless and hungry – so much is an uphill battle right now.  How do we not start 2022 exhausted, full of fatigue, and lacking compassion???

I think my answer is God.  The ancient, Dominican mystic, Meister Eckhart, called God the beginning and when we are connected to God, we get to start anew too. 

I will sit with God each day.  I will soak in God’s goodness.  I will try to listen to God.

I am full of hope and energy for 2022.  I trust in God’s love and justice.  I am committed to witness to God’s peace.  And, I know I am in good company with my Sinsinawa Dominicans Sisters and Associates.  We do it together.

How about you?  What energy do you bring to 2022?  

Peggy Ryan, OP

Dominican University, River Forest, IL