Stepping into a New Season

In the northern hemisphere we’re stepping into the new season of spring. It’s been a long winter and most of us are ready for a change. Maybe that means stepping with a spring in our bodies as we enjoy the new life around us.  I feel so blessed to live in north central Wisconsin where the earth is still pristine in its beauty and every day offers new wonders. Each day I follow the trail in the woods behind my house and each day I see new plants and birds and even a few little critters that I haven’t seen before.  Each day is a revelation of God’s beauty, goodness, and love. How can I thank God enough for this bounty?
What’s in your backyard or in other areas of your life, areas perhaps long-dormant after a harsh winter? Can you name the trees bursting with blossoms? Can you greet the tiny wild flowers smiling up at you as you stroll past them? Can you sing along with the various bird songs that float over the breeze to tickle your ears?
Sing with me Psalm 104:24…How many are your works, O God! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.  For this we praise you and give you thanks!
Mary Ellen Green, OP
Woodruff, WI