Always Be Prepared

Always Be Prepared

"Always be prepared to go on Mission.  Always be prepared to die."  This is the advice given by the foundress…

Is This Mission?

The mission question haunts me from time to time.  Circumstances change, my response is getting sophisticated and articulate, but nevertheless,…

Vulnerability in Religious Life

In the past months, the theme that keeps finding me is vulnerability—but not necessarily as a bad thing.  How can…
Like Trees We Can Trust

Like Trees We Can Trust

Where is our trust, really?  Lately, the political conversation in the United States has me wondering.  Do we make our leaders…

Like Trees We Can Trust

Julia Walsh, FSPA offered this reflection for our October 2012 Giving Voice E-Newsletter. A version of this reflection was previously published…
Voices of Younger Religious

Voices of Younger Religious

We hope to share different voices of younger religious in each monthly e-newsletter.  Here is a reflection by  Rejane Cytacki, SCL,…