Build Bridges – Join a May Giving Voice Dialogue Circle!
Building Bridges With Others… How do we build bridges with groups so often seen as “other,” particularly immigrants and refugees and across religious life?
REGISTER BY CLICKING HERE for a Circle May 7, 8, 10, 18 or 19 (English) or May 9th (Spanish) Times are listed below and on the website.
We’d love to have you there and be nourished and inspired by our circle together!
Here are our Reflections and Circle Dialogue questions for this month.
May Reflection: There is such a feeling of fear in the world right now, fear of difference, fear of not being enough for each other. It has people more often feeling scared of the stranger, or neighbors. What is the antidote, personally and collectively, that soothes and helps us hold the space of humanity/courage. With immigrants and refugees in the US there is a fear of what is going to come next. Many experience a sense of helplessness or things being out of control. How do we be a compassionate force of change when we don’t have decision making power? What is our personal leadership stance in building bridges?
Circle Dialog Process
Opening Reading
Check-in: Is there a way you are attending to your own fear response that helps you pivot to love — to your own wholeness, wisdom and presence?
Focus Question: Where are the sacred spaces you have the opportunity to stand, the places of building bridges? What helps you stand there? What is possible now?
Check-out: What did you hear that will help you pivot to love in the days and weeks ahead? What surprised you? What do you wish to remember?
Closing Poem:
Love recognizes no barriers.
It jumps hurdles,
leaps fences,
penetrates walls
to arrive at its
destination full of hope.
-Maya Angelou