Coming to the Core Team

Coming to the Core Team

Please give a warm Giving Voice welcome to the newest member of our Core Team, Lupita Aguilar-Huanca, OLVM. Here Lupita…
National Gathering 2022

National Gathering 2022

Giving Voice is pleased to announce the dates for the 2022 National Gathering: July 14-17, 2022 in San Antonio, TX.
Part of the Core Team

Part of the Core Team

Adriana Calzada, CCVI served on the Giving Voice Core Team from 2017-2021 and wore many hats during that time. Here…
Part of the Core Team

Part of the Core Team

Adriana Calzada, CCVI, formó parte del equipo central de Giving Voice entre 2017 y 2021 y desempeñó muchos papeles durante…

The Face Behind the Email

Giving Voice has some extra help with email and database management. We’re thankful to Sr. Kathryn Press, ASCJ who has…
Meet Our Sisters Tour 2021

Meet Our Sisters Tour 2021

Giving Voice is proud to once again partner with the Chicago Area Communicators for Women Religious in participating in this…

2021 Encuentro

I am humbled and honored to give voice by proclaiming how good it was to come together for the Encuentro: …

Encuentro 2021

It has been a few days since the end of the Giving Voice’s 2021 Encuentro, an intentional space to build…

Encuentro Reflections

From August 19-22, 2021, Giving Voice sisters gathering at the Carmelite Spiritual Center in the Chicago suburbs for our Encuentro:…
Core Team Face-to-Face Meeting- July 2021

Core Team Face-to-Face Meeting- July 2021

Core Team member Xiomara Méndez-Hernández, OP writes… Greetings from Florida, the Sunshine State! This summer, we, your Giving Voice Core Team,…

LCWR National Assembly

Por tercer año consecutivo, la Conferencia de Liderazgo de Mujeres Religiosas (LCWR) invitó a Giving Voice a asistir a su…
LCWR National Assembly

LCWR National Assembly

For the third year in a row, the Leadership Conference of Woman Religious (LCWR) invited Giving Voice to attend its…